Let’s Have A Conversation
Our contact info is located above. We have multiple offices licensed to work throughout the southeast. There is a good chance we’re in the same neighborhood and already established in your market.
Just find the United Forming, Inc. regional office that looks like the best geographical fit for you and your project. We enjoy talking with our clients so please give us a call or send us a short email.
Concept to Construction
Feel free to tag us in any step along the way even if you’re still early in the development process.
Our preconstruction services include offering structural design recommendations with a focus on constructability along with providing reliable budgetary pricing and scheduling feedback.
Have bid documents in hand and a package ready for pricing, send it our way. We can provide competent, competitive, and on time proposals to meet your needs on varying scopes of work for all different types of structures.
Email us your bid invite or find us on ISQFT, Building Connected, or SmartBid.
Hard Bid
Over the last 30 plus years we have worked with contractors both large and small on federal, state, and privately funded projects. With over 1,000 contracts signed, we understand the importance of a well structured and binding subcontract document.
Starting from your terms, we will work in a professional manner to establish fair and comprehensive agreements that will lay the ground work for a successful project. We are adaptable to any of your projects needs as they relate to insurance, bonding, minority participation, and LEED certification.